Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hair Loss Solutions

New Hair Loss Solution:

WE’VE all seen them ... balding men with receding hairlines or with tufts of hair at the sides. And there are those who cling on to whatever remnants they have and then comb the longer side strands in a desperate attempt to cover up their bald spots. Heck, you could be one of them.

The only solutions available, aside from just living with a bald pate, used to be hair treatments (which do not always work), hair weaving, or the painful, invasive, strip method hair implant. And of course, when all else fails – the toupee, which sometimes gives the game away, like in the case of a certain celebrity millionaire.

In the case of 34-year-old Ahmad (not his real name), he decided to get serious about doing something to his thinning crown. He personally did an extensive amount of research over a long period – 45 months – before finally deciding to regain his crowning glory. You can’t blame him for taking so long though as there are horror stories of botched jobs.

For someone who has been balding since he was 22, Ahmad had to be very careful. And he finally chose a method called Direct Hair Implant (DHI).

You don’t have to be like Michael Chiklis and live with baldness, thanks to hair transplants.
“I almost have full hair loss and with the procedure, the donor site had to be shaved off. It was a long process from 10.30am to 8pm but they wanted to be very careful and that’s why it was so painstaking. I didn’t feel any pain. In fact, I was quite bored,” explained Ahmad in detail to the crowd at a workshop in Kuala Lumpur in late March organised by Unisense Hair Restoration Centre on the new DHI method pioneered by experts in Greece in 2001.

What is so special about the whole DHI procedure and why does it claim to promise 100% success? Dr John Bakas from DHI headquarters in Greece was on hand to explain it to workshop participants.

Ironically enough, it was the Father of Modern Medicine, the Greek Hippocrates who recorded the first surgical solution for baldness but his own “potion” didn’t work and he became bald as a baby. Until now, extreme cases of baldness are referred to as Hippocratic baldness.

“Our technique minimises trauma and is not invasive like that used in the strip method, which not only requires surgery but also leaves scarring. We take the hair follicle (the root of the hair) using one of our special tools from the donor site and then replace it at the receiver site by punching a tiny hole using another tool. It is painless and the client can go back immediately, and within three days there is no evidence of the procedure that was done. So no one need know,” pointed out Dr Bakas enthusiastically.

Dr Bakas also says that they give allowance for “natural” looks so even though the patient might be younger, they give an older hairline to maintain an even look with the area that was not bald in the first place. He claims that in five months, there is at least an increase of 50% of hair growth in the receiver area.

He also points out that their staff take a longer time because they want, again, to give a natural look. Individual follicles are placed in such a way that they grow in the direction they normally would at those sites. When Dr Bakas showed slides of people who had undergone DHI compared to others who opted for other treatments, the difference was obvious as the direction of the hair for the latter was just “too perfect” and looked unnatural or had the “doll look” as the doctor calls it.

And get this, they don’t even need to take the donor follicles from the head – they can come from other parts of the body. And your transplant need not only be for your head – it can also be use to enhance or replace non-existent eyebrows or eyelashes for instance.

The doctor also says that the technique, which was first perfected (and also has a standardised procedure so that it can be done exactly the same all the time) in 2001 also allows for hair duplication. Dr Bakas though was quick to say that for this, there is no 100% guarantee.

And if you’re wondering what hair duplication means, we will explain. Apparently the hair follicles at the front of the head have only one hair strand each while those at the back have three. Which is why hair at the back looks and is thicker. So if one strand from the back is taken at the donor site and then transferred to the receiver area at the front there is a possibility that it will then reproduce three strands.

And the bonus is that the follicle at the back that was used will then re-grow the “volunteer” strand. According to Dr Bakas, they are trying to perfect the technique so that it will eventually be 100% successful.

The process of how a Direct Hair Implant (DHI) is done with special instruments.
He also claims their technique gives more hair density compared to other methods. And women take note – it’s not just for male pattern baldness. This method is also available to women with thinning hair and bald spots. And with our climate, which is not as dry as temperate countries, there is hope for even better results.

Unisense Sdn Bhd managing director Vincent Li claims that Malaysia is the first country in Asia other than Dubai to have this treatment. He says he scoured the world for the right treatment to introduce to the country before being convinced by the efficacy of DHI. The cost though for a density of 1,000 hairs is RM25,000, which Li claims is still cheaper than if the procedure were to be done in Europe. DHI has worldwide operations.

And since they can do transplants in stages too, that is what Ahmad opted for as it gives him more flexibility to mould his look. He’s also happy with his new hairline and even more so because it is his own hair. His religion (Islam) allows it as options like hair weaving was not permitted.

A case of gone today, hair tomorrow indeed.

Hair Loss Solutions

Hair Loss Solutions

Welcome to my hair loss solutions blog. Here you may learn about many hair loss solutions that work and really are hair loss solutions, not just another waste of your time and money